Welcome and introduction to course
Welcome by Athena Morgan (Regional Project Manager - Africa, ICMEC)
Introduction to the Course

Did you know that child victims of sexual exploitation often report that they did not feel that the adults they spoke to handle their case with care?  

Level 4 of the Agents of Change course is designed to provide you with specific tools to better understand and assist child victims in cases of sexual abuse and violence.

The first module addresses the prevention and treatment of sexual abuse. You will study risk factors and strategies, the role of family and community in the prevention of sexual abuse, and mechanisms of intervention and assistance to victims.

The second module goes in depth in a very important topic that is self-care of teams that work with violence. You will learn about vicarious trauma and secondary stress.

The third module discusses basic concepts of child sexuality, including sex education and children's rights, sex roles and identity and sexual preferences. 

In the fourth module you will see a comprehensive framework of violence. We will discuss the nature and magnitude of the phenomenon, sociocultural variables, definitions and typologies and places where violence against children take place.

Module 5 gives a detailed explanation of the forensic psychological evaluation; How it should be conducted and relevant aspects.

Module 6 addresses the profile of the victim of sexual abuse, including risk factors and indicators of vulnerability.

Module 7 focuses on the theories of sexual abuse, the dynamics of sexual abuse, and its characteristics. It will also address the different types of abusive sexual behaviour.

Module 8 talks about the profile of the sexual offender. You will learn about associated criminological factors, psychological evaluation of offenders and preparing a criminological profile.

Finally, the ninth and last module examines the background and historical development of sexual abuse. You will review the characteristics of paedophilia and pederasty, contradiction between culture and crime and sexual victimization.

By taking this course you will:

  • Learn the step by step of a Forensic Psychological Evaluation.
  • Learn about the comprehensive frameworks of violence and the historical development and theories of sexual abuse.
  • Understand the basic concepts of child sexuality.
  • Understand the profile of a victim of sexual abuse and the profile of a sexual offender.
  • Establish the mechanisms of intervention and evaluation in cases of child sexual violence.
  • Learn in detail about self-care of professionals that work with violence and tools to create a healthy and safe workplace.